Monday, May 5, 2014


Main Entry: apprentice
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: novice/learner of a trade
Synonyms: amateur, beginner , flunky, greenhorn, heel, neophyte, new kid on block, newcomer, novitiate, probationer, pupil, rook, rookie*, starter, student, tenderfoot, tyro

With two kids, I'm not necessarily new to being a Mom. . .I just feel as though I'm just starting to get the hang of things as...

A child of God.
A wife.
A Mom.
A daughter.
A friend.

I'm still a work in progress but that's half the fun, right?

With this blog, I hope to continue updates of where we are as a family.  We hope you enjoy following us as we suceed and fail, laugh and cry, rejoice and mourn, and enjoy this life we have been given.